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Concrete care. Concrete curing

Concrete care. Concrete curing

I have been needing to discuss concrete curing on the blog for quite a while. (πατητη τσιμεντοκονια)

A ton has previously been composed regarding this matter, whole books discussing the right execution of concrete, curing times, physical and synthetic properties, diagrams of obstruction as an element of curing, water/cement proportion and a large group of specialized issues that without a doubt merit concrete curing.

However, for what reason do the administrators and workers for hire who really need to do the curing of the concrete not see that significance? Being a vital element for the obstruction and toughness of concrete, they frequently don't have the foggiest idea about the motivations behind why it is so significant, so they see this activity as a request from the board, an impulse that makes them sit around (we definitely understand what that guesses in the piecework) without them valuing the goal, the end, the utility of completing a right curing.

For what reason is this event? Maybe on the grounds that it has not been clarified for them without specialized terms and nobody has shown them in an unmistakable, concrete and contemplated way why doing it is significant. The books are regularly focused on professionals, not at the entertainer.

All things considered, my aim with this post is to contact you, project worker, official, primary planner on location, that nobody has had the option to clarify for you the enormous significance of accurately curing the concrete that you have recently poured in that chunk or in those support points, so you know why the professionals get so weighty with the water system of the concrete.

No, it's anything but an impulse. Continue to peruse and you will see.

Who is the post for then, at that point? To the people who execute concrete designs or components, yet additionally to the specialists who are tired of observing and request endlessly time again that the curing of the concrete be completed, so they have it simple by guiding their clarifications to this article where I believe that it should remain made sense of and legitimized obviously and just.

Ok, on the off chance that you are an understudy it can likewise assist you with having a reasonable clarification of what is at times a piece confounding in the books. I trust it works for you.

Lets start with the start

The solidifying of the concrete

Do you have any idea why concrete solidifies? Indeed, obviously, on the grounds that it has cement. That is the extent to which we get, yet what occurs for that cement to get hard along with the other parts?

The solidifying of concrete is delivered by a compound response that requires specific extents of parts, or at least, a specific measure of water for a particular measure of cement (or concrete). No more, no less. The fair.

Assuming there is more water than needed for the substance response, the abundance water will wind up dissipating, leaving openings (once in a while tiny) that will turn out to be pores in the concrete that will diminish its obstruction (there is less safe mass) and through which it can enter the external air and cause over the long run the oxidation of the reinforcements (decreases solidness). The impact is created with the damn madness of adding water to the truck blender . We will discuss this some other time.

Then again, assuming how much water is not exactly that essential for the substance response to occur, it doesn't finish, all the cement doesn't solidify in light of the fact that it needs more water to respond and in this way doesn't arrive at the normal opposition .

The two cases are terrible for concrete, a substantially more fragile material than we naturally suspect. We will zero in on subsequent cases, in which there is an absence of water. next blog


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