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6 factors to take into account for a correct choice

6 factors to take into account for a correct choice

At the point when the period of the substantial structure starts in a structure work, regardless of whether private, the time has come to ask yourself. (εποξειδικα δαπεδα)

What is the best shoring framework for chunks?

How to pick it? What factors should be taken into account?

The formwork market offers various frameworks and answers for section formwork, yet what are the measures that should be taken into account to pick the most reasonable framework for the prerequisites of the work?

To help in this choice we have identified 6 fundamental rules:

1-Type of structure

Prior to picking the framework to utilize, it is fundamental to comprehend what type of structure will be made, for the most part dissecting the accompanying factors:

The type of sections and the level between floors.

The type of section will give us the heap at the hour of cementing, and thusly, the quantity of props to utilize, both in the piece that we will concrete, and in the lower chunks.

The level between floors will connect the type of props relying upon the level and suitable burden. It will likewise decide the suitable formwork framework particularly when levels are significant.

By and large, when you trust a provider of provider formwork for employ, it will be the specialized division of the provider, who will distinguish the correct props and the ideal framework, contingent upon the heaps and the levels of the sections.


Each formwork framework for pieces has an 'related efficiency', that is, a measure of result equivalent to the time and work utilized. For instance, an intriguing pointer can be the quantity of square meters covered every day, equivalent to the quantity of laborers (for the most part a group of 4/5 individuals is taken into account).

It is important to accentuate that efficiency can differ significantly contingent upon the preparation and additionally experience of the specialists who gather the framework. In this way, it is exceptionally prudent to be available on location and to do preparing, particularly in the main long stretches of gathering.(θερμομονωση τοιχου)


Have you at any point thought about what the vehicle cost related to the formwork framework for your section is, and what number of crane manipulations are expected to move the various components?

To look at the changed frameworks starting here of view, one can analyze the quantity of square meters of formwork shipped by a trailer, or the quantity of beds that should be dealt with for each number of square meters. In this manner it will be feasible to survey the expenses of transport and utilization of the crane, a gadget that is dependably valuable on location.

4-Halfway stripping/Re-shaping

An essential component in the examination between various frameworks for sections is the chance of recuperating part or all of the formwork a couple of days subsequent to cementing.

Those frameworks that permit fractional stripping, (which are a couple) can create extraordinary reserve funds in both material and work, as they don't need the activity of repropping the piece. The expense rate €/m2 of the material that remains set up under the chunk should be surveyed exhaustively.


Vital to look at the cost is the utilization of a solitary unit of measure: for the most part the best measure to assess is the sum €/m2/month.

It is important to remember what number floors that remain set up are remembered for the cost (notwithstanding the floor that will be cemented), that is, what is the occurrence of the material that remains set up in the wake of stripping (point 4).

At last, it should be confirmed that the value has a place with a rundown of material as per the outer layer of the plant and the particular work. At times, the material spending plan conceded by the providing organization remembers a specialized report for the type of a reexamination.


The last point, however no less significant, an incredible inverse, is wellbeing on location. Each formwork framework for pieces has coordinated wellbeing, which impressively decreases the gamble of tumbles from level (which is the most successive reason for mishaps in development).

It is essential to check that all gathering and dismantling activities have distinct methodology, and to guarantee that every individual gets the important gadgets to correctly utilize them.

A maximum reduction of the dangers that I assume is a more noteworthy security for the specialists on location, is a lower cost for the development organization and an improvement of the picture. However, it is normal to believe that it is an additional expense. Luckily, this off-base inclination is less and less regular.

In outline, we have seen that picking the correct formwork framework for the sections is significant both for the efficiency, economy and security of your work.


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